

Sunday 29 October 2023

A good woman will bring up her husband. .... An Afghan proverb ..... POEM By AKSHR


A good woman will bring up her husband.

A good woman, a virtuous soul,

Her heart filled with love, her spirit whole,

She'll be a partner, a helpmate true,

In all things, a blessing to you.


Her kindness and care, they know no bounds,

She'll soothe your heart, she'll lift your mood,

In joy and sorrow, she'll be found,

A constant friend, a guiding light.


She'll stand by you through every test,

Through trials and tribulations, she'll pass,

With grace and strength, she'll find a way,

To bring you hope, to chase the fray.


Her love will be your rock, your anchor,

Your shelter from life's raging tempest,

She'll be your home, your haven, your rest,

Your partner in every quest.


So cherish her, hold her dear,

For she is a gift, a treasure rare,

A good woman will bring up her husband,

And together, you'll face life's journey with laughter.


Thursday 26 October 2023

“Whenever you become anxious or stressed, ― Eckhart Tolle ---- AKSHR


“Whenever you become anxious or stressed, 

outer purpose has taken over, 

and you lost sight of your inner purpose. 

You have forgotten that your state of consciousness is primary, 

all else secondary.”

― Eckhart Tolle

“A good book is the precious life-blood of a master-spirit, ― Penelope Fitzgerald ----- AKSHR

“A good book is the precious life-blood of a master-spirit, 

embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life, 

and as such it must surely be a necessary commodity.” 

― Penelope Fitzgerald


We need each other more than we want to admit.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich ---- AKSHR

“I'm starting to think this world is

 just a place for us to learn that 

we need each other more than we want to admit.” 

― Richelle E. Goodrich


Living in a way that reflects one's values ― Deborah Day --- AKSHR


“Living in a way that reflects one's values

 is not just about what you do; 

it is also about how you do things.” 

― Deborah Day

A wish for you on your birthday, whatever you ask may you receive ...... AKSHR


A wish for you on your birthday, 

whatever you ask may you receive.

Wednesday 25 October 2023

“They who dream for too long will become like their shadow.” – Indian Proverb --- AKSHR

 “They who dream for too long 

will become like their shadow.” 

– Indian Proverb


”The three great mysteries: air to a bird, water to a fish, humankind to himself.” – Indian Expression

"The three great mysteries: air to a bird, 

water to a fish, humankind to himself.”
– Indian Expression

“Like the body that is made up of – Hindu Proverbs ---- AKSHR

“Like the body that is made up of different limbs and organs, 

all moral creatures must depend on each other to exist.” 

– Hindu Proverbs


The eyes do not see what the mind does not want. ...... آAKSHR

The eyes do not see 

what the mind does not want.


In the depths of my mind, a secret I keep

A truth that I hide, a fear that I weep

The eyes may see, but the mind does not perceive

The beauty that lies, in the world I believe


The eyes may gaze, but they do not see

The beauty that's hidden, from me to thee

The mind sets the limits, of what I can see

And the eyes can only see, what the mind can be


The eyes do not see, what the mind does not want

The mind sets the boundaries, of what we can haunt

The eyes may roam, but they cannot find

The beauty that's hidden, in the world we design


So let us open our minds, and let the eyes see

The beauty that's hidden, for all to be

For the eyes do not see, what the mind does not want

But the mind can change, and let the eyes see the haunt

Why to ask this or that Why not you from you ----- AKSHR

Why to ask this or that Why not you from you   

Why ask this or that, why not you from you?

A question that's puzzled me for quite a few,

The answers lie within, but hard to deduce,

So let me ponder and give you a clue.

The reasons are many, the reasons are few,

Why we seek answers from others, anew,

Perhaps we lack confidence, or so it seems,

Or maybe we're searching for validation, it beams.

But why not look within, to the heart of the matter,

To find the answers that we so desperately platter,

Within our own selves, the truth we'll discover,

And the answers we seek, we'll find like a lover.

So let us look within, and not afar,

For the answers we seek, are hidden in our heart,

And when we find them, we'll know we are free,

To be ourselves, wild and carefree.


Monday 23 October 2023

“The wheel of injustice turns against the oppressor.” ...... AKSHR

In the land of the free and the home of the brave,

A wheel of injustice turns, its cycle of fate,

A force that oppresses, a weight that enslaves,

A system that twists, a path that it craves.


It grinds down the poor, the marginalized, and the weak,

Their cries fall on deaf ears, their pleas unheard,

Their struggles ignored, their dreams unfulfilled,

Their hope but a distant mirage, a fleeting thrill.


But the wheel of injustice turns, it never stops,

It churns on and on, a never-ending cycle,

A perpetual motion, a constant flow,

A force that's unrelenting, a power that's unyielding.


It crushes the spirit, it breaks the heart,

It rips apart families, it tears them apart,

It feeds on the fear, it thrives on the pain,

It's a beast that's insatiable, a monster that's in vain.


But still we dream, still we resist,

Still we fight for justice, still we insist,

For a world where all are equal, where all are free,

Where the wheel of injustice turns no more, where liberty is the key.


So let us rise up, let us stand tall,

Let us join hands, let us give our all,

For the wheel of injustice turns against the oppressor,

And we will be the ones to bring it to a stop.

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” .... AKSHR

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

In days of yore, when spring's sweet bloom

Did first awaken Nature's loom,

The wise ones knew, with hearts aglow,

The best time to plant a tree, you know.


Twenty years ago, with youthful zest,

Their dreams and hopes were at their best,

They planted trees with tender care,

And watched them grow, without a snare.


But alas, for those who came too late,

Their chance had passed, their fate was sealed,

Their trees would never reach their prime,

And leave them in a state of decline.


But fear not, dear friends, for all is not lost,

The second best time is now, we boast,

For though the years have passed us by,

We can still plant trees, and watch them fly.


So let us not be deterred by time,

Let us not be bound by fate's design,

For even now, we can still find,

A chance to plant a tree, and make it thrive.


So let us plant, with hope and cheer,

And watch our trees reach for the sky,

For though the best time may have passed,

The second best time is now, and that's a fact, you'll see.

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” .... AKSHR


In a world of hasty hearts and racing minds,

Where time is gold and minutes are kind,

It's easy to forget the gentle art,

Of taking things slow, and savoring each part.


But oh, the joy that can be found,

In the slow and steady, the quiet sound,

Of footsteps that pause, and hands that hold,

And the gentle breeze that whispers, "You're bold."


It does not matter how slowly you go,

As long as you do not stop, you know,

For in the journey, there's power and might,

In the slow and steady, day and night.


So take your time, and don't be in a rush,

For life is a journey, not a crush,

And the beauty of slow, you'll soon discern,

In the rhythm of life, you'll learn and yearn.


“Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.” ..... AKSHR


“Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.”

Happiness is a journey, a path we choose to tread,

Not something found in haste, but rather made in our heads.

It's the sum of our actions, the joy we bring to others,

The love we share and the memories we make, like a treasure.


It's the laughter we share, the dreams we dare to chase,

The moments we cherish, the smiles we grace.

It's the kindness we show, the help we give,

The joy we find in life, the love we live.


Happiness is not something readymade,

It's the result of our efforts, the love we've displayed.

So let us strive to make each day a happy one,

And fill our lives with love, until the day is done.

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” ..... AKSHR


“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”


A quip so wise, a saying so true,

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't do."

For every chance that's not taken,

A chance for greatness unspoken.


In life, we often wait and see,

Afraid to take the first step, you'll be.

But if we never take the leap,

Our dreams will forever sleep.


So don't be afraid to aim high,

To shoot for the stars, and touch the sky.

For every shot we take, we learn,

And every miss, a lesson we discern.


For the shots we don't take, we'll never know,

If we could have made it, or let it go.

So take the shot, and don't be shy,

For you'll never know, unless you try.

Sunday 22 October 2023

Science has no homeland.---- - Louis Pasteur ---- AKSHR

Science, a pursuit of truth and knowledge,

Transcends all borders, a boundless treasure,

No land can claim it as its own,

For it belongs to all, forever known.


In the lab, in the field, or in the mind,

Scientists seek answers, one and all mankind,

Their findings shape our world, a brighter place,

A beacon of hope, in a world of space.


From the tiniest atoms to the vast unknown,

Science explores, and our wonder is shown,

The laws of nature, a cosmic tune,

A symphony of discovery, forever in bloom.


Theories and facts, a never-ending quest,

A journey of discovery, at its best,

The universe unfolds, a wondrous sight,

A testament to the power of human might.


So let us embrace this wondrous pursuit,

And let science be our guiding light,

For in its truth, we find our way,

To a brighter future, day by day.

"Love is like the wind, we don't know where it comes from." - Honoré de Balzac --- AKSHR


Love is like the wind, oh so divine,

A force that's free, yet oh so fine.

It whispers secrets in our ear,

And brings us joy, and dispels our fear.


It's a feeling that we can't define,

A flame that burns, yet never declines.

It's the warmth that we feel in our hearts,

A love that sets our spirits apart.


Like the wind, love can be wild and free,

A force that's untamed, yet gentle and me.

It carries us away, on a journey so grand,

To a place where our hearts can expand.


So let us embrace this love so true,

And let it carry us, where we'll go.

For like the wind, love is a mystery,

A gift that's given, so unconditionally.

"Take good care of your neck; neck ornaments are not difficult to find." ---- African Proverb --- AKSHR


"Take good care of your neck; neck ornaments are not difficult to find."