

Wednesday 25 October 2023

The eyes do not see what the mind does not want. ...... آAKSHR

The eyes do not see 

what the mind does not want.


In the depths of my mind, a secret I keep

A truth that I hide, a fear that I weep

The eyes may see, but the mind does not perceive

The beauty that lies, in the world I believe


The eyes may gaze, but they do not see

The beauty that's hidden, from me to thee

The mind sets the limits, of what I can see

And the eyes can only see, what the mind can be


The eyes do not see, what the mind does not want

The mind sets the boundaries, of what we can haunt

The eyes may roam, but they cannot find

The beauty that's hidden, in the world we design


So let us open our minds, and let the eyes see

The beauty that's hidden, for all to be

For the eyes do not see, what the mind does not want

But the mind can change, and let the eyes see the haunt

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