

Wednesday 25 October 2023

Why to ask this or that Why not you from you ----- AKSHR

Why to ask this or that Why not you from you   

Why ask this or that, why not you from you?

A question that's puzzled me for quite a few,

The answers lie within, but hard to deduce,

So let me ponder and give you a clue.

The reasons are many, the reasons are few,

Why we seek answers from others, anew,

Perhaps we lack confidence, or so it seems,

Or maybe we're searching for validation, it beams.

But why not look within, to the heart of the matter,

To find the answers that we so desperately platter,

Within our own selves, the truth we'll discover,

And the answers we seek, we'll find like a lover.

So let us look within, and not afar,

For the answers we seek, are hidden in our heart,

And when we find them, we'll know we are free,

To be ourselves, wild and carefree.


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