

Monday 23 October 2023

“The wheel of injustice turns against the oppressor.” ...... AKSHR

In the land of the free and the home of the brave,

A wheel of injustice turns, its cycle of fate,

A force that oppresses, a weight that enslaves,

A system that twists, a path that it craves.


It grinds down the poor, the marginalized, and the weak,

Their cries fall on deaf ears, their pleas unheard,

Their struggles ignored, their dreams unfulfilled,

Their hope but a distant mirage, a fleeting thrill.


But the wheel of injustice turns, it never stops,

It churns on and on, a never-ending cycle,

A perpetual motion, a constant flow,

A force that's unrelenting, a power that's unyielding.


It crushes the spirit, it breaks the heart,

It rips apart families, it tears them apart,

It feeds on the fear, it thrives on the pain,

It's a beast that's insatiable, a monster that's in vain.


But still we dream, still we resist,

Still we fight for justice, still we insist,

For a world where all are equal, where all are free,

Where the wheel of injustice turns no more, where liberty is the key.


So let us rise up, let us stand tall,

Let us join hands, let us give our all,

For the wheel of injustice turns against the oppressor,

And we will be the ones to bring it to a stop.

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