

Monday 23 October 2023

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” .... AKSHR

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

In days of yore, when spring's sweet bloom

Did first awaken Nature's loom,

The wise ones knew, with hearts aglow,

The best time to plant a tree, you know.


Twenty years ago, with youthful zest,

Their dreams and hopes were at their best,

They planted trees with tender care,

And watched them grow, without a snare.


But alas, for those who came too late,

Their chance had passed, their fate was sealed,

Their trees would never reach their prime,

And leave them in a state of decline.


But fear not, dear friends, for all is not lost,

The second best time is now, we boast,

For though the years have passed us by,

We can still plant trees, and watch them fly.


So let us not be deterred by time,

Let us not be bound by fate's design,

For even now, we can still find,

A chance to plant a tree, and make it thrive.


So let us plant, with hope and cheer,

And watch our trees reach for the sky,

For though the best time may have passed,

The second best time is now, and that's a fact, you'll see.

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