

Monday 23 October 2023

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” .... AKSHR


In a world of hasty hearts and racing minds,

Where time is gold and minutes are kind,

It's easy to forget the gentle art,

Of taking things slow, and savoring each part.


But oh, the joy that can be found,

In the slow and steady, the quiet sound,

Of footsteps that pause, and hands that hold,

And the gentle breeze that whispers, "You're bold."


It does not matter how slowly you go,

As long as you do not stop, you know,

For in the journey, there's power and might,

In the slow and steady, day and night.


So take your time, and don't be in a rush,

For life is a journey, not a crush,

And the beauty of slow, you'll soon discern,

In the rhythm of life, you'll learn and yearn.


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