

Sunday 22 October 2023

Science has no homeland.---- - Louis Pasteur ---- AKSHR

Science, a pursuit of truth and knowledge,

Transcends all borders, a boundless treasure,

No land can claim it as its own,

For it belongs to all, forever known.


In the lab, in the field, or in the mind,

Scientists seek answers, one and all mankind,

Their findings shape our world, a brighter place,

A beacon of hope, in a world of space.


From the tiniest atoms to the vast unknown,

Science explores, and our wonder is shown,

The laws of nature, a cosmic tune,

A symphony of discovery, forever in bloom.


Theories and facts, a never-ending quest,

A journey of discovery, at its best,

The universe unfolds, a wondrous sight,

A testament to the power of human might.


So let us embrace this wondrous pursuit,

And let science be our guiding light,

For in its truth, we find our way,

To a brighter future, day by day.

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