

Sunday 22 October 2023

"Love is like the wind, we don't know where it comes from." - Honoré de Balzac --- AKSHR


Love is like the wind, oh so divine,

A force that's free, yet oh so fine.

It whispers secrets in our ear,

And brings us joy, and dispels our fear.


It's a feeling that we can't define,

A flame that burns, yet never declines.

It's the warmth that we feel in our hearts,

A love that sets our spirits apart.


Like the wind, love can be wild and free,

A force that's untamed, yet gentle and me.

It carries us away, on a journey so grand,

To a place where our hearts can expand.


So let us embrace this love so true,

And let it carry us, where we'll go.

For like the wind, love is a mystery,

A gift that's given, so unconditionally.

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