

Sunday 29 October 2023

A good woman will bring up her husband. .... An Afghan proverb ..... POEM By AKSHR


A good woman will bring up her husband.

A good woman, a virtuous soul,

Her heart filled with love, her spirit whole,

She'll be a partner, a helpmate true,

In all things, a blessing to you.


Her kindness and care, they know no bounds,

She'll soothe your heart, she'll lift your mood,

In joy and sorrow, she'll be found,

A constant friend, a guiding light.


She'll stand by you through every test,

Through trials and tribulations, she'll pass,

With grace and strength, she'll find a way,

To bring you hope, to chase the fray.


Her love will be your rock, your anchor,

Your shelter from life's raging tempest,

She'll be your home, your haven, your rest,

Your partner in every quest.


So cherish her, hold her dear,

For she is a gift, a treasure rare,

A good woman will bring up her husband,

And together, you'll face life's journey with laughter.


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