

Thursday 30 November 2023

As imagination soars, the artist is transformed..... AKSHR

In hues of blue and brushstrokes bold,

A canvas comes alive, stories unfold.

Colors blend and shapes take form,

As imagination soars, the artist is transformed.


With every stroke of graceful skill,

A world of beauty is revealed still.

Echoes of emotion in each line,

A symphony of colors intertwine.


Like words that dance upon the page,

Painting brings forth life's sweet rage.

Each brushstroke whispers secrets true,

Of dreams and passions yet untold to you.


Just as poetry finds voice within,

Art speaks through strokes of color spinning.

Two crafts entwined in perfect harmony,

Creating worlds where souls can soar and see.


So let us bask in splendor bright,

Where art and verse ignite the night.

For in their union, we find our way,

To realms beyond the mundane day by day.


A beauty that sets our souls free...... AKSHR

Oh, poetry is like a bird in flight,

Soaring high, beyond our sight.

It knows no bounds, nor borders tight,

 Ignoring all frontiers, day or night.


With wings of words, it takes to the sky,

A melodic journey, for the eye.

It weaves a tapestry, so fine and bright,

A symphony of sounds, such delight.


Like feathers on its back, so fair,

Its verses dance, without a care.

Each line and verse, a joyous hue,

A kaleidoscope, for me and you.


In this realm of verse, we find our peace,

A sanctuary, release.

For in the world of poetry, we see,

A beauty that sets our souls free.


Shadow and me, Together in this verse ..... AKSHR

Oh poetry, a gentle breeze that whispers through my mind,

A soft caress of words that soothe and leave behind

A trace of beauty, like a brush stroke on the heart,

Echoes of emotions, never to depart.


With every line, a shadow dances in my sight,

A fleeting form that fades with each delight,

Yet lingers still, a ghostly presence felt,

In the hollows of my soul, where dreams are dealt.


The words you weave, oh poet, are a spell,

That conjures worlds both real and surreal,

Where shadows take shape, and darkness yields

To light that shines, like stars within a field.


So let us dance, oh shadow and me,

Together in this verse, wild and free,

For in its depths, our souls entwined, we find

A truth that speaks, a love divine.


it is not what we drink but how we think ..... AKSHR

Oh, the joys of intoxication, my dear friend!

Let us raise our glasses high and never end

For in the land of revelry and delight

Lies the key to true happiness and pure sight


Drunk on wine, we dance through life's fleeting days

With laughter and song, our cares and woes away

Our hearts filled with joy, our spirits soaring free

In the warm embrace of conviviality


Or let us drown in poetry's sweet embrace

Where words and rhyme entwine in graceful pace

Weaving tales of love, of dreams, of fate

And all the beauty that this world can create


But if virtue be thy choice, then let us drink

From the chalice of righteousness, its elixir blink

For in its depths, we find the noblest part

Of ourselves, our souls, our guiding heart


So come, my friends, let us get drunk tonight

On whatever fills our cups with light

For in the end, it is not what we drink

That matters most, but how we think


Wednesday 29 November 2023

The lifeblood of our souls,...... AKSHR

Oh, poetry is the lifeblood of our souls,

A force that stirs within us, like a rolling goal.

It speaks to hearts and minds, with voices clear,

Inciting change, and banishing all fear.


With verse and rhyme, it challenges the status quo,

And whispers truths that others dare not show.

It inspires us to resist oppression's grasp,

To rise up and demand justice in every place.


Through poems born of passion, hope, and fire,

We find the strength to stand and never tire.

For in each line, each word, we hear a call,

To join the ranks of those who dared to fall.


So let us raise our pens, our voices too,

And sing the songs of freedom anew.

For in the power of poetry lies our might,

To bring about the dawn of a brighter light.


We create a world where all can intertwine. ..... AKSHR


In verse and rhyme, I sing of poetry's might,

A force that heals, unites, and brings to light.

With every line and word, we find our way,

To a world where differences fade away.


Beauty in words, a symphony of thought,

Elevates the soul, and calms the mind, as if brought

From discord to harmony, like dawn's first light,

Poetry and beauty make all things right.


Walls of hate and fear, they crumble and fall,

As love and understanding take their stand tall.

For in the power of poetry lies the key,

To unity and peace, for you and me.


So let us cherish this gift divine,

And use it well, to spread love's shine.

For when we read or write with heart and mind,

We create a world where all can intertwine.

Superstition, a shadow in the night, ----- AKSHR

Superstition, a shadow in the night,

Born of ignorance and fear's dark might,

Thrives where reason sleeps, its power to ignite,

A flame that flickers bright, but casts no light.


In the depths of darkness, it takes hold fast,

Fed by our doubts and anxieties so vast,

It spreads like wildfire, consuming all in sight,

Leaving us lost in a sea of endless fight.


But oh, how it masquerades as truth,

With whispers sweet, and lies so ruthless,

It twists our minds, and makes us doubt our youth,

Until we're trapped in a prison of untruth.


Yet, let us not forget, there is a cure,

For this disease that plagues our every feature,

Reason, the antidote, the only sure,

To vanquish superstition, forever pure.


So let us seek the light, and banish fear,

And in the sunshine of knowledge, appear,

The shackles of superstition, broken and clear,

And we shall emerge, free from its grasp, my dear.


The curse of being overly cautious ..... AKSHR


Oh, the curse of being overly cautious, my friend,

It brings no good fortune, but rather does it wend?

For each step you take, a misstep may ensue,

And every choice, a wrong one, as if fate would decree.


Your fear of failure drives your actions so blind,

That success escapes you, like a mirage in mind.

You chase after signs and omens with such zeal,

But they only lead you down a path of futile appeal.


So let us break this cycle of doom and despair,

And shake off these superstitions that we bear.

Embrace the uncertainty of life with glee,

And find your own strength, set free from misery.


For luck is not a force that can be swayed by ritual or spell,

But rather something that comes from within, and what we tell.

Our minds shape our reality, so let us choose to see

A world full of hope and possibility, for all humanity.

Monday 27 November 2023




In the realm of thoughts, where ideas do clash,

A mind's sword doth reign supreme, its might to pass

Through tangled webs of confusion and strife,

It cuts through all, leaving truth as its rife.


Its blade is sharp, honed by wisdom and grace,

Cutting down falsehood, exposing empty space

With each stroke, it uncovers what lies within,

Revealing secrets hidden deep within the skin.


Arrows may fly swift and straight from the bow,

But they cannot match the power that a thought can show

For though they pierce the flesh, they leave no mark

But the mind's sword slices through, leaving a scar.


So let us wield this weapon with great care,

For those who use it wisely will find themselves aware

Of the true nature of reality and life,

And the beauty that only the mind's eye can give.





In days of yore, when whiskers were few,

And backs were straight, and eyes were true,

The elders spoke with words so wise,

Their knowledge passed down through gentle sighs.


The young ones listened with eager ears,

Drinking in each word like sweetest tears,

For they knew that age had earned its right,

To hold the keys to life's greatest light.


The elders saw the world in hue,

A tapestry of time, both old and new,

They'd lived through storms and sunshine too,

And learned from each one what was true.


Their minds were filled with memories galore,

Of triumphs won and lessons learned before,

They guided young hearts with steady hand,

Through trials great, and troubles grand.


The wisdom of their years, so deep and wide,

Was more than just a passing pride,

It was a gift, a treasure trove,

That only grew as time did rove.


So listen well, oh young ones dear,

To the stories told with love and cheer,

For in the wisdom of your elders lies,

The secrets to a life that opens wide.


“It will take time to try to verify whether the government and its institutions are corrupt. ― Mwanandeke Kindembo ..... AKSHR

“It will take time to try to verify whether 

the government and its institutions are corrupt. 

The shortest path is to look only at 

its education system present in that state.” 

― Mwanandeke Kindembo

..... it is the duty of every citizen.” ― Mwanandeke Kindembo ..... AKSHR


“The citizen must enter into a relationship with his government. 

It is not just the task of a politician to engage with the government,

 rather it is the duty of every citizen.” ― Mwanandeke Kindembo

Thursday 23 November 2023

“Don't hate the person, hate the action.”..... Mitta Xinindlu ..... AKSHR

“Don't hate the person, hate the action.”


“AI or any other human advancement system should be accepted.”.... Mitta Xinindlu ..... AKSHR

“AI or any other human advancement system should be


“Spirituality makes everything a reality. .... Mitta Xinindlu .... AKSHR

“Spirituality makes everything a reality. 

Religion is the only belief system ...... Mitta Xinindlu ..... AKSHR

Religion is the only belief system 

that turns things into a delusion.”


“Work can sometimes be very tricky. .... Mouloud Benzadi .... AKSHR

 “Work can sometimes be very tricky. 
It gives with one hand and takes away with the other. 
It gives you money and takes away your time. 
It offers you wealth and steals your happiness.”


“Travel opens windows to a rich and diverse world, ... Mouloud Benzadi ... AKSHR

 “Travel opens windows to a rich and diverse world, 

which you can never see from your homeland.”


“One of the disadvantages of literary awards is .... Mouloud Benzadi .... AKSHR


 “One of the disadvantages of literary awards

is the fact that authors are writing to please 

a book award committee, 

rather than to spread the message of love, 

tolerance, peace, and serve humanity.”

Monday 20 November 2023

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think!” – Albert Einstein .... AKSHR

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think!”
– Albert Einstein


“A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers.” - Helen Keller .... AKSHR


“A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers.”
- Helen Keller

“A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers.”
- Helen Keller

“In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others.... Immanuel Kant: .... AKSHR

“In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.”


Sunday 19 November 2023

Let me be clear- no one is above the law. Antonio Villaraigosa: .... AKSHR

“Let me be clear- no one is above the law. Not a politician, not a priest,          not a criminal, not a police officer. We are all accountable for our actions.”

Law and order are the medicine of the body politic ... B.R. Ambedkar: .... AKSHR

“Law and order are the medicine of the body politic and 

when the body politic gets sick, medicine must be administered.”



“Law is the essential foundation of stability and order both within societies and in international relations.” .... J. William Fulbright: ... AKSHR

 “Law is the essential foundation of stability and order 
both within societies and in international relations.”

Law without justice is a wound without a cure...... WILLIAM SCOTT DOWNEY ..... AKSHR


An unjust law is itself a species of violence.... MAHATMA GANDHI .... AKSHR


An unjust law is itself a species of violence.


An unjust law is itself a species of violence.


Saturday 18 November 2023

“Do your little bit of good where you are;.... Desmond Tutu ---- AKSHR

Do your little bit of good where you are; 

it is those little bits of good put together

 that overwhelm the world.


“If you want peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies.” ---- Desmond Tutu ---- AKSHR

“If you want peace, 

you don't talk to your friends. 

You talk to your enemies.”


We have hardship without becoming hard. ..... Desmond Tutu ----- AKSHR

We have hardship without becoming hard. 

We have heartbreaks without being broken.


We are each made for goodness, love, and compassion. ---- Desmond Tutu ---- AKSHR

“We are each made for goodness, 

love, and compassion. 

Our lives are transformed as much as the world 

is when we live with these truths.”


“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”..... — Desmond Tutu --- AKSHR

“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”

“The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins.” ― Soren Kierkegaard, .... AKSHR

“The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins.”
Soren Kierkegaard, 


A creator while creating undergoes pains akin to a pregnant woman ..... AKSHR

 A creator while creating undergoes pains akin to a pregnant woman 


As she creates, her mind ablaze with thought,

Her body heavy, weighed down by every line and wrought.

Like a pregnant mother, she carries within her breast

A growing work of art, that she must nurture and bless.


Each brush stroke, each note, a labor of love so true,

Bringing forth life from nothing, as her passion anew.

She feels the weight of every word, every phrase so grand,

A burden shared by few, in this wondrous land.


Her thoughts entwined with every color, shape, and hue,

She gives birth to beauty, for all to see anew.

And when at last her masterpiece is complete,

She holds it close, like a child born to sweet retreat.


AKSHR 18112023 






                   EVERY RIGHT THAT HE CLAIMS FOR HIMSELF.                             

Tuesday 14 November 2023