

Wednesday 29 November 2023

The curse of being overly cautious ..... AKSHR


Oh, the curse of being overly cautious, my friend,

It brings no good fortune, but rather does it wend?

For each step you take, a misstep may ensue,

And every choice, a wrong one, as if fate would decree.


Your fear of failure drives your actions so blind,

That success escapes you, like a mirage in mind.

You chase after signs and omens with such zeal,

But they only lead you down a path of futile appeal.


So let us break this cycle of doom and despair,

And shake off these superstitions that we bear.

Embrace the uncertainty of life with glee,

And find your own strength, set free from misery.


For luck is not a force that can be swayed by ritual or spell,

But rather something that comes from within, and what we tell.

Our minds shape our reality, so let us choose to see

A world full of hope and possibility, for all humanity.

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