

Wednesday 29 November 2023

Superstition, a shadow in the night, ----- AKSHR

Superstition, a shadow in the night,

Born of ignorance and fear's dark might,

Thrives where reason sleeps, its power to ignite,

A flame that flickers bright, but casts no light.


In the depths of darkness, it takes hold fast,

Fed by our doubts and anxieties so vast,

It spreads like wildfire, consuming all in sight,

Leaving us lost in a sea of endless fight.


But oh, how it masquerades as truth,

With whispers sweet, and lies so ruthless,

It twists our minds, and makes us doubt our youth,

Until we're trapped in a prison of untruth.


Yet, let us not forget, there is a cure,

For this disease that plagues our every feature,

Reason, the antidote, the only sure,

To vanquish superstition, forever pure.


So let us seek the light, and banish fear,

And in the sunshine of knowledge, appear,

The shackles of superstition, broken and clear,

And we shall emerge, free from its grasp, my dear.


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