

Thursday 30 November 2023

it is not what we drink but how we think ..... AKSHR

Oh, the joys of intoxication, my dear friend!

Let us raise our glasses high and never end

For in the land of revelry and delight

Lies the key to true happiness and pure sight


Drunk on wine, we dance through life's fleeting days

With laughter and song, our cares and woes away

Our hearts filled with joy, our spirits soaring free

In the warm embrace of conviviality


Or let us drown in poetry's sweet embrace

Where words and rhyme entwine in graceful pace

Weaving tales of love, of dreams, of fate

And all the beauty that this world can create


But if virtue be thy choice, then let us drink

From the chalice of righteousness, its elixir blink

For in its depths, we find the noblest part

Of ourselves, our souls, our guiding heart


So come, my friends, let us get drunk tonight

On whatever fills our cups with light

For in the end, it is not what we drink

That matters most, but how we think


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