

Thursday 30 November 2023

Shadow and me, Together in this verse ..... AKSHR

Oh poetry, a gentle breeze that whispers through my mind,

A soft caress of words that soothe and leave behind

A trace of beauty, like a brush stroke on the heart,

Echoes of emotions, never to depart.


With every line, a shadow dances in my sight,

A fleeting form that fades with each delight,

Yet lingers still, a ghostly presence felt,

In the hollows of my soul, where dreams are dealt.


The words you weave, oh poet, are a spell,

That conjures worlds both real and surreal,

Where shadows take shape, and darkness yields

To light that shines, like stars within a field.


So let us dance, oh shadow and me,

Together in this verse, wild and free,

For in its depths, our souls entwined, we find

A truth that speaks, a love divine.


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