

Wednesday 29 November 2023

The lifeblood of our souls,...... AKSHR

Oh, poetry is the lifeblood of our souls,

A force that stirs within us, like a rolling goal.

It speaks to hearts and minds, with voices clear,

Inciting change, and banishing all fear.


With verse and rhyme, it challenges the status quo,

And whispers truths that others dare not show.

It inspires us to resist oppression's grasp,

To rise up and demand justice in every place.


Through poems born of passion, hope, and fire,

We find the strength to stand and never tire.

For in each line, each word, we hear a call,

To join the ranks of those who dared to fall.


So let us raise our pens, our voices too,

And sing the songs of freedom anew.

For in the power of poetry lies our might,

To bring about the dawn of a brighter light.


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