

Saturday 18 November 2023

A creator while creating undergoes pains akin to a pregnant woman ..... AKSHR

 A creator while creating undergoes pains akin to a pregnant woman 


As she creates, her mind ablaze with thought,

Her body heavy, weighed down by every line and wrought.

Like a pregnant mother, she carries within her breast

A growing work of art, that she must nurture and bless.


Each brush stroke, each note, a labor of love so true,

Bringing forth life from nothing, as her passion anew.

She feels the weight of every word, every phrase so grand,

A burden shared by few, in this wondrous land.


Her thoughts entwined with every color, shape, and hue,

She gives birth to beauty, for all to see anew.

And when at last her masterpiece is complete,

She holds it close, like a child born to sweet retreat.


AKSHR 18112023 


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