

Monday 27 November 2023




In days of yore, when whiskers were few,

And backs were straight, and eyes were true,

The elders spoke with words so wise,

Their knowledge passed down through gentle sighs.


The young ones listened with eager ears,

Drinking in each word like sweetest tears,

For they knew that age had earned its right,

To hold the keys to life's greatest light.


The elders saw the world in hue,

A tapestry of time, both old and new,

They'd lived through storms and sunshine too,

And learned from each one what was true.


Their minds were filled with memories galore,

Of triumphs won and lessons learned before,

They guided young hearts with steady hand,

Through trials great, and troubles grand.


The wisdom of their years, so deep and wide,

Was more than just a passing pride,

It was a gift, a treasure trove,

That only grew as time did rove.


So listen well, oh young ones dear,

To the stories told with love and cheer,

For in the wisdom of your elders lies,

The secrets to a life that opens wide.


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