

Sunday 31 December 2023

3. “If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, ” Morpheus ---- AKSHR

3. “If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see

then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.” Morpheus


In this world of senses, we live and thrive,

Where real is what we can feel, smell, and dive,

But what of the signals that dance in our mind?

Are they just electrical pulses, so divine?


The world we perceive, a mere construct of thought,

A symphony of signals, never brought,

To the surface, where we can see and feel,

But deep within, where the brain does conceal.


The electrical impulses, they race and play,

A language of neurons, night and day,

Decoding the world, in shades of gray,

A reality so vivid, in every way.


So if real is what we can feel and see,

Then 'real' is simply electrical signals, you'll see,

Interpreted by the brain, with grace and poise,

A dance of neurons, with no noise.


Welcome to the desert of Thar, a place to fly ---- AKSHR


In the desert of Thar, where the sun beats bright

A land of sand and stone, with dunes in sight

The wind it howls and whistles, as it blows with might

Welcome to the desert of Thar, a wondrous sight


The sand it shifts and drifts, in shades of gold

A sea of dunes, that stretch and unfold

The rocky outcrops, stand like sentinels of old

Welcome to the desert of Thar, a land of bold


The oases they glimmer, like jewels in the sand

A haven for the weary, a place to stand

The palm trees sway, like dancers in the breeze

Welcome to the desert of Thar, a place of ease


The stars they twinkle, in the endless night

A canopy of light, a wondrous sight

The desert it sleeps, under the starry sky

Welcome to the desert of Thar, a place to fly

Friday 29 December 2023

Wednesday 27 December 2023

It’s time to rise. It’s time to raise. Heal from within. ..... Matthew John Partridge ..... AKSHR

It’s time to rise. 

It’s time to raise. 

Heal from within. 

Let go of all the trauma you hold 

in your mind and in your body. 

Let go of the fear.


Remove the toxic people in your life. .... Matthew John Partridge .... AKSHR

Remove the toxic people in your life. 

Be who you truly are. 

Start saying no to things you do not resonate with. 

Resign from the 9–5 and follow your heart.


Right now, we are all living within the 3D prison of our minds. ... Matthew John Partridge ..... AKSHR

Right now, we are all living within the 3D prison of our minds. 

We’ve all been there; living in hell. Shame. Guilt. Despair. Fear.


..... a world that is not one in which we truly want. ... Matthew John Partridge .... AKSHR

Like bees within a beehive, 

we can singularly generate conscious energy, 

but we also collectively generate energy. 

The hive mind of humanity has been co-creating 

a world that is not one in which we truly want.


Sunday 24 December 2023

Cutting negative people from my life does not mean.... . Marilyn Monroe ...... AKSHR

Cutting negative people from my 

life does not mean I hate them,

it simply means I respect me. 

Marilyn Monroe


If you don't love me at my worst, ... . Marilyn Monroe .... AKSHR

If you don't love me at my worst, 

then you don't deserve me at my best.


The sky is not the limit. Your mind is ..... Marilyn Monroe ...... AKSHR


The sky is not the limit. Your mind is Marilyn Monroe

The more I think of it, the more I realize .... Marilyn Monroe .... AKSHR

The more I think of it, the more I realize 

there are no answers. Life is to be lived. 

Marilyn Monroe


Being able to step outside of yourself . Madonna Ciccone ..... AKSHR


Express yourself, don't repress yourself. Madonna Ciccone .... AKSHR

Friday 22 December 2023

“I feel the capacity to care is .” ―Pablo Casals ----- AKSHR

“I feel the capacity to care is 

the thing which gives life its deepest significance.” 

―Pablo Casals


“Begin at once to live, and count each day as a separate life.” ―Seneca ------ AKSHR

and count each day as a separate life.” 


“We’re here for a reason. ” ―Whoopi Goldberg ---- AKSHR

“We’re here for a reason. 

I believe a bit of the reason is to throw 

little torches out to lead people through the dark.” 

―Whoopi Goldberg


“The true meaning of life is to plant trees, ” ―Nelson Henderson ---- AKSHR

“The true meaning of life is to plant trees, 
under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” 
―Nelson Henderson


“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. ―The Dalai Lama ----AKSHR


“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others

And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” 

―The Dalai Lama

Thursday 21 December 2023

“Doctors are great as long as you don’t need them.” – Edward E. Rosenbaum. .... AKSHR


“Doctors are great as long as you don’t need them.” 

– Edward E. Rosenbaum.

Oh, doctors are grand, they heal our every pain,

With skillful hands and knowledge so profound,

They bring us back to health again and again.

But when we don't need them, oh what a bind!


They probe and poke, they test and scan,

And give us pills that make us feel quite glum,

They tell us what we must eat and drink,

And how to live our lives in perfect sync.


But when we're well, they have no place,

For they are only needed in times of disgrace,

So let us cherish them while we can,

And hope that we never have to take their hand.


For though they may be wise and true,

We cannot always rely on them anew,

For life is full of ups and downs,

And sometimes we must face it alone.


So here's to all the doctors fine,

Who help us through this world of mine,

May their expertise forever shine,

But let us also learn to be divine.

“If you cannot wake up in the middle of the night ..... AKSHR


“If you cannot wake up in the middle of the night for studying, then how will you wake up and save a life?”

In the stillness of the night, when all is calm and bright,

A question lingers on my mind, a challenge to take flight.

If you cannot rouse yourself from slumber's gentle embrace,

How can you hope to rise and meet the human race?


For in the dead of night, when darkness reigns supreme,

Lives hang in the balance, waiting to be gleaned.

A call for help may come at any moment's notice,

And only those who dare to answer will see their prize.


So if you wish to be a hero, one who saves the day,

Then learn to stir your soul, and chase the night away.

For in the shadows of the night, where fear and doubt reside,

Only courage and determination can reach inside.


And though it may seem hard, and the path be long and steep,

Remember that the reward is worth the sacrifice.

For in the end, when lives are saved, and hearts made whole,

Your spirit will soar high, like an eagle taking flight.


So heed this warning well, and let it guide your way,

For in the darkest hours, the bravest souls find their sway.

And when the time comes, and the moment demands your might,

Rise up and face the night, with all your strength and light.

Wednesday 20 December 2023

“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.” — Edmund Burke ---- AKSHR

 “The greater the power, 

the more dangerous the abuse.

— Edmund Burke

In realms of might, where strength doth reign,

A cautionary tale of woe doth remain.

For as the power grows, so too does the crave,

And those who wield it, often lose their way.


Their thirst for control, a poisonous brew,

Corrupts their hearts and minds anew.

They seek to dominate, to subjugate,

And crush all beneath their heel, like a mate.


But beware, oh mighty ones, this curse,

Lest you succumb to your own worst verse.

For greatness unchecked can quickly turn,

To tyranny, oppression, and burning scorn.


So let us temper our power with grace,

And use it wisely, in its place.

For only then can we truly find,

Peace, justice, and a world aligned.


“The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.” — Mark Twain ---- AKSHR

The human race has one really effective weapon, 

and that is laughter.

— Mark Twain

In this world of strife and woe,

Where troubles mount and fears do flow,

One thing can bring us joy and cheer,

A balm for hearts that yearn to hear.


It's not a sword or shield or spear,

No armor made to fight or fear,

But something far more powerful still,

A force that can conquer all ill.


The human race has one great might,

That vanquishes the darkness of night,

And in its place, brings light so bright,

To chase away the shadows of our plight.


This weapon we all possess within,

A gift from birth, a treasure to win,

Is laughter, pure and simple bliss,

A magic potion for our soul's release.


With laughter, we can heal our pain,

And find solace in life again,

For though it may seem small and weak,

It can break down barriers meek.


So let us embrace this power profound,

And use it well to lift us up,

For when we laugh, our spirits bound,

And hope and love begin to flourish like a cup.


 22 Wallpapers


“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel ...... Mark Twain ..... AKSHR

Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel 

in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.

— Mark Twain

In raging seas of fury, anger swells within,

A poisonous tide that threatens all to pin.

It corrodes the soul, like rust to iron bars,

Leaving scars that never fully heal, nor fade.


Like a caustic brew, it burns and stings,

Tainting all it touches with bitter wings.

Its fiery waves consume and leave behind,

A trail of ashes, where once there shined.


Yet, oh so tempting, this angry sea,

To drown in its depths, to let go free.

For in its turmoil, we may find release,

From all our cares, our doubts, our cease.


But beware, for anger's power unchecked,

Can damage all it claims to wreck.

So hold it close, yet keep it bound,

Lest it devour all that lies around.


. “We have got to dispel this myth that bullying is just a normal rite of passage.” — Barack Obama --- AKSHR

 “We have got to dispel this myth 

that bullying is just a normal rite of passage.

— Barack Obama

In twisted tales, we've been told a lie

That bullying's just a rite of passage bye and bye

But oh so wrong, it's not a path to pride

It's a hurtful act that hides behind a disguise


A mask of meanness, a cloak of shame

Bullies prey on those who bear no blame

They steal away our self-worth in their game

Leaving scars that never fully heal or claim


So let us break this cycle, stand tall and strong

Dispel this myth, sing a new song

For every child deserves a safe place to belong

Where kindness reigns supreme, where love does flow


Let's teach empathy, understanding and grace

And show the world that bullying has no place

In this journey called life, we must find a way

To lift each other up, day after day