

Sunday 31 December 2023

Welcome to the desert of Thar, a place to fly ---- AKSHR


In the desert of Thar, where the sun beats bright

A land of sand and stone, with dunes in sight

The wind it howls and whistles, as it blows with might

Welcome to the desert of Thar, a wondrous sight


The sand it shifts and drifts, in shades of gold

A sea of dunes, that stretch and unfold

The rocky outcrops, stand like sentinels of old

Welcome to the desert of Thar, a land of bold


The oases they glimmer, like jewels in the sand

A haven for the weary, a place to stand

The palm trees sway, like dancers in the breeze

Welcome to the desert of Thar, a place of ease


The stars they twinkle, in the endless night

A canopy of light, a wondrous sight

The desert it sleeps, under the starry sky

Welcome to the desert of Thar, a place to fly

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