

Thursday 21 December 2023

“Doctors are great as long as you don’t need them.” – Edward E. Rosenbaum. .... AKSHR


“Doctors are great as long as you don’t need them.” 

– Edward E. Rosenbaum.

Oh, doctors are grand, they heal our every pain,

With skillful hands and knowledge so profound,

They bring us back to health again and again.

But when we don't need them, oh what a bind!


They probe and poke, they test and scan,

And give us pills that make us feel quite glum,

They tell us what we must eat and drink,

And how to live our lives in perfect sync.


But when we're well, they have no place,

For they are only needed in times of disgrace,

So let us cherish them while we can,

And hope that we never have to take their hand.


For though they may be wise and true,

We cannot always rely on them anew,

For life is full of ups and downs,

And sometimes we must face it alone.


So here's to all the doctors fine,

Who help us through this world of mine,

May their expertise forever shine,

But let us also learn to be divine.

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