

Thursday 21 December 2023

“If you cannot wake up in the middle of the night ..... AKSHR


“If you cannot wake up in the middle of the night for studying, then how will you wake up and save a life?”

In the stillness of the night, when all is calm and bright,

A question lingers on my mind, a challenge to take flight.

If you cannot rouse yourself from slumber's gentle embrace,

How can you hope to rise and meet the human race?


For in the dead of night, when darkness reigns supreme,

Lives hang in the balance, waiting to be gleaned.

A call for help may come at any moment's notice,

And only those who dare to answer will see their prize.


So if you wish to be a hero, one who saves the day,

Then learn to stir your soul, and chase the night away.

For in the shadows of the night, where fear and doubt reside,

Only courage and determination can reach inside.


And though it may seem hard, and the path be long and steep,

Remember that the reward is worth the sacrifice.

For in the end, when lives are saved, and hearts made whole,

Your spirit will soar high, like an eagle taking flight.


So heed this warning well, and let it guide your way,

For in the darkest hours, the bravest souls find their sway.

And when the time comes, and the moment demands your might,

Rise up and face the night, with all your strength and light.

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