

Wednesday 20 December 2023

“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.” — Edmund Burke ---- AKSHR

 “The greater the power, 

the more dangerous the abuse.

— Edmund Burke

In realms of might, where strength doth reign,

A cautionary tale of woe doth remain.

For as the power grows, so too does the crave,

And those who wield it, often lose their way.


Their thirst for control, a poisonous brew,

Corrupts their hearts and minds anew.

They seek to dominate, to subjugate,

And crush all beneath their heel, like a mate.


But beware, oh mighty ones, this curse,

Lest you succumb to your own worst verse.

For greatness unchecked can quickly turn,

To tyranny, oppression, and burning scorn.


So let us temper our power with grace,

And use it wisely, in its place.

For only then can we truly find,

Peace, justice, and a world aligned.


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