

Wednesday 20 December 2023

“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel ...... Mark Twain ..... AKSHR

Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel 

in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.

— Mark Twain

In raging seas of fury, anger swells within,

A poisonous tide that threatens all to pin.

It corrodes the soul, like rust to iron bars,

Leaving scars that never fully heal, nor fade.


Like a caustic brew, it burns and stings,

Tainting all it touches with bitter wings.

Its fiery waves consume and leave behind,

A trail of ashes, where once there shined.


Yet, oh so tempting, this angry sea,

To drown in its depths, to let go free.

For in its turmoil, we may find release,

From all our cares, our doubts, our cease.


But beware, for anger's power unchecked,

Can damage all it claims to wreck.

So hold it close, yet keep it bound,

Lest it devour all that lies around.


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