

Thursday 30 June 2022

The Waterproof Word ____ Akshr

The Waterproof Word 

Our future accomplishments 
are determined entirely by
how every second in our life 
is put to a use the future is the 
accumulation of many now.
I used to think I was 
more important than my
temporal self, that 
the past could be changed 
and what was done 
could never be undone. 
People still live in the past, 
but I have learned 
to let go of the past is 
an abandoned house 
there are no ghosts inside.
I am not a ghost, 
so I live in the future. 
The future is my city, my wife,
my children, my friends.
I want to live in the future 
with them, so I will
leave the past behind 
and live in the now.



Now In A World, There is Noting ____ Akhsr

Now In A World, There is Noting

Our future accomplishments 

are determined entirely by

how every second in 

our life is put to a use

the future is the 

accumulation of many now.

We are not machines. 

We cannot be programmed

with a certain purpose. 

When we toil,

we are toiling for ourselves 

and the people around us

who put their trust in our abilities.

Without a future, 

there is nothing but the present.

Without a past, 

there is nothing but the now.

The experience of our pasts 

will affect the decisions 

we make in our future

and the choices 

that we have made 

will affect what happens 

in our future;

but no matter what, 

the only thing 

that is certain is now.



Love as a Form of Fire ___ Akshr

Love as a Form of Fire 

Love is the only kind of fire
which is never covered by insurance.
Without proof there's 
no way to collect.
The charred remains are only ashes, 
a few cracked bones,
a handful of teeth. 
If the lovers have been 
married for years,
the husband may receive 
the widow's settlement. 
Even then it's nothing
but a meager pension.



In the Penal Colony ____ Akshr

In the Penal Colony  

Love is the only kind of fire
which is never covered by insurance.
Love is the only kind of fire
that, when it’s over, 
you can walk back into the ashes.
Love is the only kind of fire
where the smoke goes up in your face, 
and then you blow it away.
Love is the only kind of fire
where an explosion is never a tragedy.
Love is the only kind of fire
where there are no victims or survivors.
Love is a prison with only 
one cell and one inmate: the warden. 
The warden takes away 
every weapon except for one: his heart.
Love is the only kind of fire
that needs a proper ending.



A Clear Vision of the World ___ Akshr

A Clear Vision of the World

You don’t love a woman 
because she is beautiful;
she is beautiful 
because you love her.
You don’t love a woman 
because she is kind;
she is kind 
because you love her.
You don’t love a woman 
because she is intelligent;
she is intelligent 
because you love her.
You don’t love a woman 
because she is humble;
she is humble 
because you love her.
You don’t love a woman
 because she loves you;
she loves you 
because you love her.



Midnight ---- Akshr


You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful;

she is beautiful because you love her.

You don’t love a woman because she’s alone;

she is alone because you don’t love her.



Wednesday 29 June 2022

The Importance of Fred ____ Akshr


The Importance of Fred 

Today I will live through 
the next 24 hours and
not try to tackle all of 
life’s problems at once.

Today I will improve myself, 
body, mind and spirit. 

Today, I will refuse
 to spend time worrying about 
what might happen if … .

Today I will not be afraid 
to ask for help. 

Today, I will find 
the time to be alone.

Today I will not let myself 
be distracted by my cell phone.

Today I will say “No” when 
someone asks me for a favor 
and I don’t want to give it.

Today I will rise above 
the drama of life, 
stay calm and carry on.

Today I will watch 
the sunrise or sunset 
and enjoy its beauty. 

Today, I will make it a point 
to see how much good 
there is in all people – 
even if they are my enemies.


The Scent of Tea ___ Akshr

The Scent of Tea 

A writer lives in awe of words 

for they can be cruel or kind,

and they can change their meanings

 right in front of you.

They pick up flavors and odors 

like butter in a refrigerator

and it is the most natural thing

 in the world for a writer to believe

that words are like tea leaves, 

and an open book is a teacup.

A writer remembers that the origin of 

the word “tea” comes from China, 

where tea drinkers believe

the best days are those spent not reading 

but drinking tea with friends.

A writer knows there is nothing 

worse than waking up one morning 

and finding out you have no friends.



I love you not only for who you are .... Akshr

I love you not only for who you are

I love you not only 

for who you are

but for what you are 

when I am with you.

I love you not only for what 

you have made of yourself

but what you are making of me.

I love you for the part 

of me that you bring out;

I love you for putting your hand 

into my heaped-up heart

and passing over all the 

frivolous and weak things

and for drawing out into the light

 all the beautiful and radiant things.

I love you because you have done

 more than any creed could have done

to make me good, 

and more than any fate could have 

done to make me happy.

And, having done so much,

you have done enough:

I can honor you without worship,

love you without adoration,

and without fear.

I love you because you have done

 more than any creed could have done

to make me good, 

and more than any fate could have done 

to make me happy.

And, having done so much,

you have done enough:

I can honor you without worship,

love you without adoration,

and without fear.


A Handful of Stars ___ Akshr

A Handful of Stars

When you doubt yourself
you doubt everyone else as well.
What is thought to be fear of others
is really distrust of self.
So if you are asked to do something
which requires courage and confidence,
you will not accomplish it.
You cannot even choose what is right
or wrong for fear of being wrong.
Without trust in yourself there can be no joy,
without self-confidence there can be no love,
without courage there can be no victory.
You must have faith in your own ability,
trust in the power that created you,
and respect yourself
enough to follow through.



Uncertainty ____ Akshr


When you doubt yourself
you doubt everyone else as well.
What is thought to be fear of others
is really distrust of self.

When you doubt yourself
you find reason only to doubt.
You are the first to assume
failure in all things you attempt.

When you doubt yourself
you fall short of your own standards.
You know what is expected but
do not feel able to deliver.
You want more, but also less.
When you doubt yourself
you lose the ability to be free.
You are burdened with all your
and they only grow day by day.



Tuesday 28 June 2022

Love one another - - that is true greatness. -- Akshr

Love one another
that is true greatness

All I have to say is,
Love one another
- that is the height
of all philosophy.
It is beyond all religions.
It is the secret of joy
- the fountain of
Perpetual Youth
- the only rainbow on
life's dark cloud.
It is the heart and
core of education.
It is beauty's and joy's key.
It makes the world go round,
and it keeps the windmill upright.
Ah! but to love another
is a terrible thing:
to lose one we love
is a catastrophe;
to know another
who shall make us
better than we are,
that is true greatness.



Suffering is not a punishment ___ AKSHR

Suffering is not a punishment

Happiness is not a reward
- it is a consequence.
Suffering is not a punishment
- it is a result.
In the long run,
there is no difference.
The water is wide;
it cannot be contained.
It roars and spills over
its banks, sometimes.
We are all on a river
in the same boat; river of life,
river of love,
river of struggle
and survival
-and we must learn
how to row together or sink alone.
For this moment
may be the last
before the great flood
which will wash us all away!



A Guide to the Monastery ___ Akshr

A Guide to the Monastery

Let your soul be the Monastery
Where you are the …. Monk.

Your clothes are usually
white, but who is to say?

You could be in brown, or even
orange, as long as it’s clean.

And once you leave the Monastery,

there is no such thing as
a wise man or woman.
It is just a number,
and the world goes on.



it is cool enough to sleep under the stars.... Akshr

it is cool enough to sleep under the stars.

Let your soul be the Monastery
Where you are the …. Monk.
Imagine it: a small plot
of land, like a bedroom
or a closet in an old house.
Covered with flapping laundry,
jumbled books. A stained
carpet that looks like it was
snipped by a lawn mower.
A bookcase on the walls, filled with
old textbooks, that held a torch
in the darkness of the past.
A bed in one corner, with
a pillow and blanket that have been
smoothed by the hands of many.
A desk in another corner, where a
typewriter and stacks of paper are
left like a shrine to your work.
A door opens into an adjoining room,
where you store your extra shoes and
clothes, while the living room has
a couch and chair that are mended and
worn out.
There's no electricity or running water.
The windows don't open;
they're sealed tight with cement board,
stained glass is cracked and faded,
the walls are damp and mildewed.
It smells like books –
stale coffee and old dust.
In this place you live alone for years,
only coming out to walk around
the garden at night when
it is cool enough to sleep under the stars.
