

Wednesday 29 June 2022

The Importance of Fred ____ Akshr


The Importance of Fred 

Today I will live through 
the next 24 hours and
not try to tackle all of 
life’s problems at once.

Today I will improve myself, 
body, mind and spirit. 

Today, I will refuse
 to spend time worrying about 
what might happen if … .

Today I will not be afraid 
to ask for help. 

Today, I will find 
the time to be alone.

Today I will not let myself 
be distracted by my cell phone.

Today I will say “No” when 
someone asks me for a favor 
and I don’t want to give it.

Today I will rise above 
the drama of life, 
stay calm and carry on.

Today I will watch 
the sunrise or sunset 
and enjoy its beauty. 

Today, I will make it a point 
to see how much good 
there is in all people – 
even if they are my enemies.


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