

Thursday 30 June 2022

The Waterproof Word ____ Akshr

The Waterproof Word 

Our future accomplishments 
are determined entirely by
how every second in our life 
is put to a use the future is the 
accumulation of many now.
I used to think I was 
more important than my
temporal self, that 
the past could be changed 
and what was done 
could never be undone. 
People still live in the past, 
but I have learned 
to let go of the past is 
an abandoned house 
there are no ghosts inside.
I am not a ghost, 
so I live in the future. 
The future is my city, my wife,
my children, my friends.
I want to live in the future 
with them, so I will
leave the past behind 
and live in the now.



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