

Friday 1 July 2022

Is The Ocean a Sequence of Points? ___ AKSHR

Is The Ocean a Sequence of Points? 

Sometimes it seems difficult to say 
You don’t want to say 
 But it becomes necessary to say
Miscalculation misconception 
Requires rapid rectification
Delay may become 
drastically dangerous damaging
To the extent of end of association
To the extent of 
not seeing each other again
Is The Ocean a sequence of points? 
Is its surface indefinite or is it infinite?
The sun after several hours 
sets and rises again from the ocean
But in general, 
it doesn’t set for several days
The sun doesn’t rise 
for several days either
You walk on the surface 
of the ocean for several years
After that you cannot find 
where your feet used to be
And you are surprised 
not to find any land at all 
in your field of vision



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