

Thursday 30 June 2022

Now In A World, There is Noting ____ Akhsr

Now In A World, There is Noting

Our future accomplishments 

are determined entirely by

how every second in 

our life is put to a use

the future is the 

accumulation of many now.

We are not machines. 

We cannot be programmed

with a certain purpose. 

When we toil,

we are toiling for ourselves 

and the people around us

who put their trust in our abilities.

Without a future, 

there is nothing but the present.

Without a past, 

there is nothing but the now.

The experience of our pasts 

will affect the decisions 

we make in our future

and the choices 

that we have made 

will affect what happens 

in our future;

but no matter what, 

the only thing 

that is certain is now.



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