

Tuesday 28 June 2022

it is cool enough to sleep under the stars.... Akshr

it is cool enough to sleep under the stars.

Let your soul be the Monastery
Where you are the …. Monk.
Imagine it: a small plot
of land, like a bedroom
or a closet in an old house.
Covered with flapping laundry,
jumbled books. A stained
carpet that looks like it was
snipped by a lawn mower.
A bookcase on the walls, filled with
old textbooks, that held a torch
in the darkness of the past.
A bed in one corner, with
a pillow and blanket that have been
smoothed by the hands of many.
A desk in another corner, where a
typewriter and stacks of paper are
left like a shrine to your work.
A door opens into an adjoining room,
where you store your extra shoes and
clothes, while the living room has
a couch and chair that are mended and
worn out.
There's no electricity or running water.
The windows don't open;
they're sealed tight with cement board,
stained glass is cracked and faded,
the walls are damp and mildewed.
It smells like books –
stale coffee and old dust.
In this place you live alone for years,
only coming out to walk around
the garden at night when
it is cool enough to sleep under the stars.



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