

Wednesday 29 June 2022

I love you not only for who you are .... Akshr

I love you not only for who you are

I love you not only 

for who you are

but for what you are 

when I am with you.

I love you not only for what 

you have made of yourself

but what you are making of me.

I love you for the part 

of me that you bring out;

I love you for putting your hand 

into my heaped-up heart

and passing over all the 

frivolous and weak things

and for drawing out into the light

 all the beautiful and radiant things.

I love you because you have done

 more than any creed could have done

to make me good, 

and more than any fate could have 

done to make me happy.

And, having done so much,

you have done enough:

I can honor you without worship,

love you without adoration,

and without fear.

I love you because you have done

 more than any creed could have done

to make me good, 

and more than any fate could have done 

to make me happy.

And, having done so much,

you have done enough:

I can honor you without worship,

love you without adoration,

and without fear.


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