

Monday 22 January 2024

Poetry is not only dream and vision; —Audre Lorde --- AKSHR


Poetry is not only dream and vision; 

it is the skeleton architecture of our lives. 

It lays the foundations for a future of change, 

a bridge across our fears of what has never been before. 

—Audre Lorde

Friday 19 January 2024

Variety is the pledge that matter makes to living things. Diane Ackerman --- AKSHR

Variety is the pledge that matter makes to living things. 

Diane Ackerman


In the vast and wondrous tapestry of life,

Variety is the pledge that matter gives,

A promise to all living things, a strife,

To thrive and flourish, and to live and strive.


With every hue and shade, with every form and grace,

The world is filled with endless, wondrous place,

Where creatures great and small, with differing pace,

Find sustenance and joy, in their embrace.


The trees that tower high, the flowers that bloom,

The birds that soar and the beasts that swoon,

All sing the praises of this wondrous boon,

This gift of variety, this boon so soon.


For in the depths of diversity's heart,

Lies the key to life, and love, and art,

A treasure trove of wonder, a work of art,

A symphony of life, a masterpiece of heart.


So let us cherish this gift, this boon so true,

And celebrate the beauty, that it brings anew,

For variety is the pledge that matter makes,

To living things, and the world it takes.

AKSHR 20012024

Our lives are born of the Ki of the universe. --- Koichi Tohei --- AKSHR


Our lives are born of the Ki of the universe. 

Let us give thanks for being born not as plants and animals, 

but as human beings blessed with a universal mind.  

Let us pledge to fulfill our missions by helping 

to guide the development and creation of the universe.

Koichi Tohei

I pledge to set out to live a thousand lives between printed pages...... Cornelia Funke -- AKSHR


I pledge to set out to live a thousand lives between printed pages. I pledge to use books as doors to other minds, old and young, girl and boy, man and animal. I pledge to use books to open windows to a thousand different worlds and to the thousand different faces of my own world. I pledge to use books to make my universe spread much wider than the world I live in every day. I pledge to treat my books like friends, visiting them all from time to time and keeping them close. Cornelia Funke -- AKSHR 20012024

“A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.” ― Theodore Roosevelt ___ AKSHR


“A vote is like a rifle: 

its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.”

― Theodore Roosevelt

“Civic sense without common sense leads to mob violence.” ― Abhijit Naskar ---- AKSHR


“Civic sense without common sense leads to mob violence.”
― Abhijit Naskar, 

“Conscience is my constitution, Compassion is my culture, Character is my government. ― Abhijit Naskar, ---- AKSHR


“Conscience is my constitution, Compassion is my culture, Character is my government. 
I don't need any second hand constitution, second hand culture, second hand government.” 
― Abhijit Naskar, 

Thursday 18 January 2024

Every mission constitutes a pledge of duty. -- Giuseppe Mazzini --- AKSHR


Every mission constitutes a pledge of duty. 

Every man is bound to consecrate his every faculty to its fulfilment. 

He will derive his rule of action from the profound conviction of that duty. Giuseppe Mazzini

Pledge Not to a gang of thieves -- AKSHR

Pledge Not to a gang of thieves -- AKSHR 


Let us pledge to do more, wherever we are in whatever way we can, to make every day a day of peace. Ban Ki-moon --- AKSHR

Let us pledge to do more, 

wherever we are in whatever way we can, 

to make every day a day of peace.

Ban Ki-moon

Our universe grants every soul a twin- .... Julie Dillon ..... AKSHR


Our universe grants every soul a twin- a reflection of themselves -the kindred spirit - And no matter where they are or how far away they are from each other- even if they are in different dimensions, they will always find one another. This is destiny; this is love. 

Julie Dillon

My heart is mysteriously alive in the world of sounds - ... . Yoko Ono .... AKSHR


My heart is mysteriously alive in the world of sounds

 - a totally different dimension from the daily life. 

Yoko Ono

.... the mental you and the physical you .... Steve Pavlina .... AKSHR


Thought and action can be perceived 

as two different dimensions of who you are: 

the mental you and the physical you 

Steve Pavlina

Monday 15 January 2024

The days are too short even for love; — Margaret Gatty ----- AKSHR

46. The days are too short even for love; 

how can there be enough time for quarrelling. 

— Margaret Gatty

In days of love, the hours fly by so fast,

The minutes dance away, like snow in the blast.

The hours are short, the moments too brief,

And yet, we find time to quarrel and grieve.


The sun sets swift, the night descends so soon,

And with it comes the end of our sweet boon.

The stars appear, the moon glows bright,

But our love, like the day, is lost in the night.


Oh, how we yearn for more time to share,

To savor each kiss, to heal each care.

But alas, the days are too short and brief,

And our love, like a flame, is hard to redeem.


So let us cherish each moment we have,

And make the most of our fleeting love.

For in the end, it is not the time we have,

But the love we share, that truly matters and shines.

They say marriages are made in Heaven. — Clint Eastwood ---- AKSHR

43. They say marriages are made in Heaven. 

But so is thunder and lightning.
— Clint Eastwood

In the realm of love, they say it's divine,

A union formed in the heavens, so fine.

But thunder and lightning, they too are born

In the same place, where passions are torn.


The skies above, they dance with glee,

When two hearts entwined, like thunder and sea.

Their love, a force, that shakes the ground,

Like lightning, that splits the sky profound.


They say marriages are made in Heaven,

But so is thunder, and so is lightning given.

For love, like thunder, can shake the earth,

And lightning, like love, can give new birth.


So let us cherish this sacred bond,

Like the heavens, where love is born and found.

For in the eyes of the divine,

Love and thunder, they intertwine.

41. Peace is the result of retraining your mind — Wayne Dyer --- AKSHR

41. Peace is the result of retraining your mind 

to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be. 

— Wayne Dyer

In the depths of our minds, a battle rages on,

A war between thoughts, each one vying for a throne,

One side seeks to control, to shape and to mold,

The other seeks to let go, to release and to unfold.


The first side is loud and insistent, it screams and it shouts,

"Life should be this way, not that way, without a doubt!"

It's fueled by our fears, our doubts, and our past,

It tells us to fight, to resist, and to cling fast.


But the other side, it whispers soft and low,

"Let go, my child, and let life unfold,

Embrace the present, let go of the past,

And find peace in the beauty of life at last."


It's a battle we all face, day in and day out,

A war within ourselves, with no clear route,

But the more we listen to the gentle voice,

The more we'll find peace, and a heart that's made of choice.


For peace is the result of retraining our mind,

To see life as it is, and not as we find,

To let go of our expectations and our fears,

And embrace the beauty that life brings, without tears.


So let us choose to let go, to release and to unfold,

And find peace in the present, in the beauty of life, we are told.

Saturday 13 January 2024

“A little learning is a dangerous thing.” Alexander Pope: ..... AKSHR

“A little learning is a dangerous thing.”

Alexander Pope:

A little learning is a dangerous thing,

It can make you think you know so much,

But soon you'll find that you're in a bind,

With knowledge that's not quite enough.


Your mind will be filled with grand designs,

But lack the skills to make them real,

You'll dream of fame and fortune's shine,

But fail to see the practical deal.


A little learning can be a curse,

It can make you blind to what's true,

You'll chase after empty words and verse,

But miss the mark, and all you'll do.


So beware of too much pride and vaunting,

And don't let your knowledge be your downfall,

For a little learning can be a dangerous thing,

And lead you down a path of nothing at all.

You educate a woman you educate a generation.” Brigham Young: ..... AKSHR

“You educate a man you educate a man. 

You educate a woman you educate a generation.” 

Brigham Young:

A noble deed, a phrase so true,

"You educate a man, you educate a few."

But listen well, and I'll reveal,

"You educate a woman; you educate a generation to conceal."


She learns, she grows, she blooms with grace,

Her mind expands, her spirit embraces,

The world around, with open arms,

A generation's future charms.


Through trials and strife, she'll find her way,

With knowledge, strength, and courage to stay,

She'll break the mold, she'll shatter the glass,

And shape the future, with a gentle pass.


For education is the key,

To unlock the doors of destiny,

And when you educate a woman,

You educate a generation, in harmony.


So let us raise our voices loud,

And echo this truth, so proud,

For when we educate a woman,

We educate a generation, in full.

“The past has no power over the present moment.” Eckhart Tolle: .... AKSHR


“The past has no power over the present moment.”

Eckhart Tolle:

In days of yore, when memories did reign,

The past held sway, a heavy chain.

It bound us tight, with grip so strong,

And made the present suffer, all day long.


But now, we've broken free from that hold,

And left the past where it should be told.

We dance in the present, with joy and grace,

And find our strength in this present place.


The past may try to whisper in our ear,

But we won't listen, we won't fear.

For we know that we are not the same,

And the present moment is our aim.


So let us embrace this moment now,

And let the past be just a vow.

For in the present, we are free,

And our future is waiting for thee.

Thursday 11 January 2024

There is no problem on earth that can’t be – Jasper Fforde --- AKSHR


There is no problem on earth that can’t be 

ameliorated by a hot bath and a cup of tea. 

– Jasper Fforde


Oh, there's no trouble that can't be soothed and calmed,

By a steaming bath and a cup of tea, it's no balm.

The warmth and the comfort, they do the heart good,

And the mind, it finds peace, as the worries are hood.


The water, it envelops, like a gentle embrace,

And the tea, it warms, with a cozy, comforting grace.

The world, it fades away, as the bubbles rise,

And the soul, it finds solace, in the moment's surprise.


So let the troubles, they come and go,

For a hot bath and a cup of tea, will make them slow.

And as you soak, and as you sip,

You'll find that all will be well, with a gentle grip.