

Monday 15 January 2024

41. Peace is the result of retraining your mind — Wayne Dyer --- AKSHR

41. Peace is the result of retraining your mind 

to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be. 

— Wayne Dyer

In the depths of our minds, a battle rages on,

A war between thoughts, each one vying for a throne,

One side seeks to control, to shape and to mold,

The other seeks to let go, to release and to unfold.


The first side is loud and insistent, it screams and it shouts,

"Life should be this way, not that way, without a doubt!"

It's fueled by our fears, our doubts, and our past,

It tells us to fight, to resist, and to cling fast.


But the other side, it whispers soft and low,

"Let go, my child, and let life unfold,

Embrace the present, let go of the past,

And find peace in the beauty of life at last."


It's a battle we all face, day in and day out,

A war within ourselves, with no clear route,

But the more we listen to the gentle voice,

The more we'll find peace, and a heart that's made of choice.


For peace is the result of retraining our mind,

To see life as it is, and not as we find,

To let go of our expectations and our fears,

And embrace the beauty that life brings, without tears.


So let us choose to let go, to release and to unfold,

And find peace in the present, in the beauty of life, we are told.

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