

Saturday 13 January 2024

“A little learning is a dangerous thing.” Alexander Pope: ..... AKSHR

“A little learning is a dangerous thing.”

Alexander Pope:

A little learning is a dangerous thing,

It can make you think you know so much,

But soon you'll find that you're in a bind,

With knowledge that's not quite enough.


Your mind will be filled with grand designs,

But lack the skills to make them real,

You'll dream of fame and fortune's shine,

But fail to see the practical deal.


A little learning can be a curse,

It can make you blind to what's true,

You'll chase after empty words and verse,

But miss the mark, and all you'll do.


So beware of too much pride and vaunting,

And don't let your knowledge be your downfall,

For a little learning can be a dangerous thing,

And lead you down a path of nothing at all.

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