

Friday 19 January 2024

Variety is the pledge that matter makes to living things. Diane Ackerman --- AKSHR

Variety is the pledge that matter makes to living things. 

Diane Ackerman


In the vast and wondrous tapestry of life,

Variety is the pledge that matter gives,

A promise to all living things, a strife,

To thrive and flourish, and to live and strive.


With every hue and shade, with every form and grace,

The world is filled with endless, wondrous place,

Where creatures great and small, with differing pace,

Find sustenance and joy, in their embrace.


The trees that tower high, the flowers that bloom,

The birds that soar and the beasts that swoon,

All sing the praises of this wondrous boon,

This gift of variety, this boon so soon.


For in the depths of diversity's heart,

Lies the key to life, and love, and art,

A treasure trove of wonder, a work of art,

A symphony of life, a masterpiece of heart.


So let us cherish this gift, this boon so true,

And celebrate the beauty, that it brings anew,

For variety is the pledge that matter makes,

To living things, and the world it takes.

AKSHR 20012024

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