

Thursday 11 January 2024

There is no problem on earth that can’t be – Jasper Fforde --- AKSHR


There is no problem on earth that can’t be 

ameliorated by a hot bath and a cup of tea. 

– Jasper Fforde


Oh, there's no trouble that can't be soothed and calmed,

By a steaming bath and a cup of tea, it's no balm.

The warmth and the comfort, they do the heart good,

And the mind, it finds peace, as the worries are hood.


The water, it envelops, like a gentle embrace,

And the tea, it warms, with a cozy, comforting grace.

The world, it fades away, as the bubbles rise,

And the soul, it finds solace, in the moment's surprise.


So let the troubles, they come and go,

For a hot bath and a cup of tea, will make them slow.

And as you soak, and as you sip,

You'll find that all will be well, with a gentle grip.

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