

Tuesday 11 June 2024

You must love yourself internally to glow externally.” – Hannah Bronfman -- AKSHR

 90. “Don’t forget to tell yourself positive things daily! 

You must love yourself internally to glow externally.” 

– Hannah Bronfman

In the morning's golden light,

When darkness fades and night takes flight,

I wake with thoughts of self-love bright,

And whisper truths that banish fright.


"Beloved, you are strong and true,"

I say to myself, with heart anew,

"You've overcome each test of time,

And emerged a shining, radiant prime."


I remind myself of all I've done,

Of challenges I've faced, and won,

Of every step that's brought me near,

To the person I've grown to hold dear.


"I am enough," I whisper low,

"A unique and precious gem to know,

My worth is not in what I do,

But in the love that shines from me, anew."


As I face the day's uncertain tide,

I hold on tight to self-love's inside,

For when I love myself with all my heart,

I radiate that love, and never depart.


So let us all remember to tell,

Our inner selves the truth that's swell,

Of love and worth, and all we've done,

And glow from within, like the morning sun.


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