

Tuesday 11 June 2024

39. “You are not a drop in the ocean. ” – Rumi --- AKSHR


39. “You are not a drop in the ocean. 

You are the entire ocean in a drop.” 

– Rumi


Oh, you are not a drop in the ocean, my dear,

You are the entire sea in a tiny speck of fear.

Your worth is not measured by size or by weight,

But by the depth of your soul and the strength of your fate.


You are a universe within, a world so grand,

A drop of pure potential, a gem in the land.

Your heart beats with the rhythm of the tides,

A force so powerful, it cannot be denied.


You are the ocean's secret, its deepest delight,

A treasure so precious, shining with pure light.

You are the wave that crashes on the shore,

A symphony of life, forever more.


So don't let anyone make you feel small,

For you are the ocean, and you are the all.

You are the drop that holds the sea within,

A masterpiece of beauty, a work of art and kin.

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