

Tuesday 11 June 2024

..... build connections and not passive-aggression.” -- Criss Jami


“Let our information and social technologies 
raise awareness and not propaganda, 
build connections and not passive-aggression.”
- Criss Jami


Amidst the chime of digital days,

Where information flows in every way,

Let us raise awareness, not propaganda,                                             

And build connections, not passive-aggression.


With hashtags and feeds, we share our deeds,

But let us not forget the art of hearing,

The whispers of the human heart,

That bond us, not apart.


In the shadows of the screen,

Let us find the light of empathy,

The courage to speak truth,

The grace to listen free.


Let our data be the spark,

That ignites the flame of understanding,

And in the glow of digital days,

Let us forge connections, not dividing.


So let us use our tools with care,

To build bridges, not walls of despair,

Let our information and social tech,

Raise awareness, not propaganda and hype.


May our online lives be the start,

Of meaningful change, and heart-to-heart,

For in the beauty of the digital age,

Let us find the power to create, and not the rage.

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