

Monday 24 June 2024

“Yoga is skill in actions.” ------ AKSHR

“Yoga is skill in actions.”


Yoga, the art of balance and poise,

A skill that brings harmony to our noise,

In each pose, we find our center,

And let go of the chaos that we enter.


With every breath, we quiet the mind,

And find peace in the present, we find,

The movements flow like a river's stream,

As we bend and stretch, our spirits gleam.


Yoga is skill in actions, you see,

A way to cultivate serenity,

In every posture, we find our strength,

And let go of the weight that we bring.


So come, my friends, let us practice,

And find the balance that we all need,

In the art of yoga, we'll find our peace,

And let go of the world's noise and speed. 

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