

Monday 24 June 2024

“As the ignorant perform their duties with attachment to results, ---- GEETA ---- AKSHR


“As the ignorant perform their duties with attachment to results, 

the learned may similarly act, but without attachment, 

for the sake of leading people on the right path.”

In fields of green, where knowledge grows,

The learned and ignorant, both do flow.

Their paths may cross, their fates entwine,

Yet differ their aims, and differ their design.

The ignorant, with passion's fire,

Perform their duties, with hearts' desire.

Their labors, fueled by hope and greed,

Yet blind to truth, in deeds unheeded.

The learned, with wisdom's light,

Act with compassion, in endless sight.

Their actions, guided by virtue's hand,

Lead people on, to a better land.

Though both may toil, with sweat and tears,

Their purposes, vastly differing years.

The ignorant, with attachment strong,

Seek rewards, their hearts to throng.

The learned, with detachment true,

Act for the sake of others, anew.

Their deeds, a beacon in the night,

Guide people right, with all their might.

So let us learn, from those who know,

And follow wisdom's path, we go.

For in the end, it is not we,

Who shape our lives, but destiny.

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