

Sunday 23 June 2024

Sometimes, I whisper to my books..... " --- AKSHR


Sometimes, I whisper to my books. 

I think they understand me better than people."


In quiet hours, when day is done,

I whisper secrets to my favorite one.

The pages listen, with a silent ear,

And in their wisdom, I find solace dear.


The words within, a language speak,

That echoes my heart, and all I seek.

Their wisdom whispers, in a gentle tone,

A comfort that's mine, and makes me whole.


For in their lines, my thoughts unfold,

And in their silence, my heart is told.

The books understand, without a sound,

The whispers of my soul, without a bound.


And so I whisper, to their silent page,

My deepest fears, my greatest rage.

And in their wisdom, I find a peace,

That calms my mind, and soothes my release.


For in their words, I find a friend,

Who listens closely, till the end.

And though they're silent, they hear my voice,

And in their pages, my heart takes its choice.

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