

Tuesday 30 April 2024

With diligence and dedication, I toil and strive ---- AKSHR


With diligence and dedication, I toil and strive 

Oh, the highest compliment you can pay me, my dear,

Is to say that I work hard every day, never shy or meek.

With diligence and dedication, I toil and strive,

To reach my goals and dreams, and never take a break.


My days are filled with purpose and drive,

As I strive to be the best, and never take a dive.

I put my heart and soul into every task,

And never leave a stone unturned, or a challenge unmasked.


So if you wish to pay me the highest compliment,

Say that I work hard every day, and never consent

To mediocrity or laziness, but always strive

To be the best version of myself, and never shy.


For that is the greatest praise, the highest award,

To know that my efforts are noticed, and never ignored.

So let my work be my witness, and my passion my guide,

And say that I work hard every day, with pride.

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