

Tuesday 30 April 2024

A truth we all know, but often forget in the fight --- AKSHR


 A truth we all know, but often forget in the fight 

In the land of dreams, where passions ignite,

A truth we all know, but often forget in the fight.

That success, oh so elusive, so hard to gain,

Comes not before work, but after the strain.


In the dictionary, the word "success" resides,

But the definition, a tale to abide.

It speaks of toil, of sweat, of blood and tears,

Of obstacles conquered through persevering fears.


For success is not a destination, but a journey,

A path we tread with each step we employ.

It's the sum of our efforts, our dedication,

The fruit of our labor, our passion and devotion.


So let us not be fooled by empty promises,

By shortcuts and schemes that only bring us confusion.

For the only place where success comes before work,

Is in the dictionary, a lesson we must learn and embark.

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