

Tuesday 30 April 2024

The gift of art, a blessing so rare ---- AKSHR


The gift of art, a blessing so rare

In brushstrokes of grace, the canvas does sing,

A symphony of hues, a dance of light,

The artist's gift, a treasure to bring,

But without work, the masterpiece takes flight.


The gift of art, a blessing so rare,

A window to soul, a world to share,

But talent unused by idle hands,

Falls short of the dream, a mere demand.


The artist's task, a calling so true,

To craft and shape, to mold and brew,

Their vision and skill, a work of art,

A labor of love, a masterpiece to start.


The gift without work, a fleeting thought,

A moment's joyful, but soon brought,

To the fore of the mind, a memory kept,

A dream unfulfilled, a slumber unslept.


But work and gift, a perfect blend,

A harmony of art, a true intendant,

Together they weave, a tapestry grand,

A masterpiece born, a legacy to stand.


So let the artist work with passion and fire,

Their gift a flame, their dreams a higher,

And though the path be long and rough,

Their art a testament, a life's proof.

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