

Tuesday 30 April 2024

A truth we all know, but often forget in the fight --- AKSHR


 A truth we all know, but often forget in the fight 

In the land of dreams, where passions ignite,

A truth we all know, but often forget in the fight.

That success, oh so elusive, so hard to gain,

Comes not before work, but after the strain.


In the dictionary, the word "success" resides,

But the definition, a tale to abide.

It speaks of toil, of sweat, of blood and tears,

Of obstacles conquered through persevering fears.


For success is not a destination, but a journey,

A path we tread with each step we employ.

It's the sum of our efforts, our dedication,

The fruit of our labor, our passion and devotion.


So let us not be fooled by empty promises,

By shortcuts and schemes that only bring us confusion.

For the only place where success comes before work,

Is in the dictionary, a lesson we must learn and embark.

With diligence and dedication, I toil and strive ---- AKSHR


With diligence and dedication, I toil and strive 

Oh, the highest compliment you can pay me, my dear,

Is to say that I work hard every day, never shy or meek.

With diligence and dedication, I toil and strive,

To reach my goals and dreams, and never take a break.


My days are filled with purpose and drive,

As I strive to be the best, and never take a dive.

I put my heart and soul into every task,

And never leave a stone unturned, or a challenge unmasked.


So if you wish to pay me the highest compliment,

Say that I work hard every day, and never consent

To mediocrity or laziness, but always strive

To be the best version of myself, and never shy.


For that is the greatest praise, the highest award,

To know that my efforts are noticed, and never ignored.

So let my work be my witness, and my passion my guide,

And say that I work hard every day, with pride.

The gift of art, a blessing so rare ---- AKSHR


The gift of art, a blessing so rare

In brushstrokes of grace, the canvas does sing,

A symphony of hues, a dance of light,

The artist's gift, a treasure to bring,

But without work, the masterpiece takes flight.


The gift of art, a blessing so rare,

A window to soul, a world to share,

But talent unused by idle hands,

Falls short of the dream, a mere demand.


The artist's task, a calling so true,

To craft and shape, to mold and brew,

Their vision and skill, a work of art,

A labor of love, a masterpiece to start.


The gift without work, a fleeting thought,

A moment's joyful, but soon brought,

To the fore of the mind, a memory kept,

A dream unfulfilled, a slumber unslept.


But work and gift, a perfect blend,

A harmony of art, a true intendant,

Together they weave, a tapestry grand,

A masterpiece born, a legacy to stand.


So let the artist work with passion and fire,

Their gift a flame, their dreams a higher,

And though the path be long and rough,

Their art a testament, a life's proof.

Perfection in the work, a goal divine. ---- AKSHR

Perfection in the work, a goal divine. 

Pleasure in the job, a notion so fine,

Perfection in the work, a goal divine.

With joy in every task, our hearts entwine,

Passion and purpose, a wondrous design.


The sweetest fruit, a labor of love,

A symphony of skill, from above.

In every stroke, a beauty to behold,

A masterpiece, our souls unfold.


The thrill of creation, a magic spell,

A world of wonder, our hearts tell.

In every moment, we find our glee,

A joy so pure, a perfection to see.


So let us embrace, this wondrous art,

And let our passions, forever start.

For in the pleasure, we find our might,

And in the work, our souls take flight.

Strive to be worthy ---- AKSHR

Strive to be worthy

In this world of endless strife and noise,

Where fame and fortune reign as the choice,

It's easy to get lost in the crowd,

And feel like just another face in the crowd.


But don't let the lack of recognition,

Dampen your spirit or cause vexation,

For true worth is not measured by fame,

But by the content of your heart and name.


Strive to be worthy, strive to be true,

Let your actions speak, let your heart renew,

For recognition may come late or slow,

But the value of your worth will forever grow.


So don't worry when you're not recognized,

But strive to be worthy, and always be prized,

For the world may not see your worth at first,

But your heart and soul will know the truth and the first.

Friday 5 April 2024

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” — Albert Einstein --- AKSHR

“Intellectual growth should commence 

at birth and cease only at death.”  

— Albert Einstein 

“Proper preparation prevents poor performance.” — Stephen Keague ---AKSHR


  “Proper preparation prevents poor performance.” 

— Stephen Keague 

“A ship in a harbor is safe, but it’s not fulfilling its potential.” — Susan Jeffers --- AKSHR


“A ship in a harbor is safe, 

but it’s not fulfilling its potential.” 

 Susan Jeffers 

“Obstacles are those frightful things ” — Henry Ford --- AKSHR


“Obstacles are those frightful things you see 

when you take your eyes off your goal.” 

— Henry Ford

90. “Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.” — Brian Tracy ---- AKSHR


“Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.” 

— Brian Tracy

94. “No time for your health today, no health for your time tomorrow.” — Thibaut --- AKSHR


“No time for your health today, 

no health for your time tomorrow.” 

— Thibaut 

“Happiness is the highest form of health.” — Dalai Lama --- AKSHR


“Happiness is the highest form of health.”

 — Dalai Lama