

Thursday 11 January 2024

You can't buy happiness, but you can buy tea and that's kind of the same thing. – Unknown --- AKSHR

You can't buy happiness, but you can buy tea and that's kind of the same thing. 



Oh, the joys of tea, a drink divine,

A sip of which can make my heart entwine

With happiness, a feeling so serene,

A sensation that can't be gleaned


From wealth or riches, no matter the sum,

For true contentment is found in the hum

Of a tea kettle's gentle whistle,

As it brews a blend, a true delight


For in a cup of tea, I find my peace

A moment's respite from life's ceaseless pace

A chance to slow down, to ponder and seize

The beauty of the present, a true release


So though you can't buy happiness with gold

You can buy tea, and that's a start to unfold

A path to joy, a journey to explore

A treasure that can never be poor


So let us raise a cup, and toast to tea

A drink that brings us happiness, wild and free

For in its warm embrace, we find our peace

And a sense of contentment, a true release.

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