

Sunday 7 January 2024

“Sleep is such a luxury, which I can’t afford.” - Robin Sikarwar ..... AKSHR

“Sleep is such a luxury, which I can’t afford.”

- Robin Sikarwar


Sleep, oh sleep, a luxury so divine,

A respite from the world, a time to unwind.

But for me, it's a privilege, hard to find,

A blessing that eludes, a dream that's hard to bind.


The nights are long, the days are short,

My eyelids heavy, my mind a thought.

I crave the rest, the peaceful reprieve,

But sleep, it flees, a mirage, hard to believe.


The world outside, a cacophony,

A symphony of sounds, a constant hum.

The worries and cares, they never cease,

A never-ending battle, a war without peace.


But still, I dream, I dream of rest,

A place where my weary soul can find its nest.

A place where the world, it slows its pace,

A place where I can find some grace.


So I close my eyes, I wish and hope,

For just one night, a peaceful scope.

But alas, it's just a dream, a fleeting thought,

Sleep, that elusive luxury, hard to bought.


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