

Sunday 7 January 2024

“Insomnia is a vertiginous lucidity that can convert ” - Emil Cioran .... AKSHR


“Insomnia is a vertiginous lucidity that can convert 

paradise itself into a place of torture.” - Emil Cioran


Insomnia, oh insomnia, a wakeful curse,

A lucidity that pierces through the night's purse,

A vertiginous descent into a hell of wake,

Where paradise itself becomes a place of take.


The stars above, they twinkle and they shine,

But bring no rest, no peace, no slumber divine,

The mind races on, a wild and endless ride,

As the body suffers, tired and worn inside.


The sheets are tangled, the pillow is wrong,

The mattress sags, the bed is too long,

The room is hot, the window's closed tight,

And still, the mind refuses to take flight.


The clock ticks on, the minutes crawl by,

The hours stretch out, a never-ending sky,

The dawn approaches, but no relief in sight,

The insomniac's night, a endless plight.


Oh, for a few hours of peaceful sleep,

To escape this torment, this wakeful deep,

To find respite from this lucid hell,

And let the body and mind take their spell.


But alas, the insomnia holds sway,

And paradise is lost in endless gray,

A place of torture, where dreams are few,

And wakefulness, the only thing that's true.

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