

Sunday 7 January 2024

“A night full of nightmares is way better than a sleepless one.” - Mokokoma Mokhonoana .... AKSHR


“A night full of nightmares is way better than a sleepless one.” 

- Mokokoma Mokhonoana 


A night full of nightmares, oh so divine,

Better than a sleepless one, so fine.

For in the depths of dreams, we find our fears,

And face them, and conquer them, through tears.


The nightmares, they may be dark and grim,

But they show us the strength we have within.

We fight and we struggle, we scream and we cry,

But we rise again, to the morning light.


For in the darkness, we find our strength,

And in the nightmares, we find our length.

So let us embrace the night and its fears,

And face them head on, with dry eyes and clear.


For a night full of nightmares is way better,

Than a sleepless one, with naught but dread and dismay.

For in the dreams, we find our power and might,

And rise again, to the light of the morning bright.

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