

Saturday 2 December 2023

Truths are more likely to be discovered by one man than nation. ...... Rene Descartes ..... AKSHR

Truths are more likely to be discovered 

by one man than by a nation



In fields of thought, where wisdom doth reside,

A single mind can find what nations cannot hide.

Truths lie hidden, like treasures in disguise,

But one man's vision sees beyond surprise.


With courage to explore uncharted lands,

He seeks the truth that others dare not stand.

His heart and mind, open wide and free,

Discover secrets locked within history.


For though a nation may boast of might,

It is but one voice, one limited sight.

While one man, with his own unique view,

Can shine a light on truth anew.


So let us cherish those who dare to seek,

And value those whose minds are bold and meek.

For they shall find the truth we all must know,

And bring it forth for all to grow.


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